逢瀬の約束 A Little Date
(通路・アビス 昼)
Passageway | Daytime
ユーリス: ああ……ちょっと待ってくれ、先生。
Yuri: Hey, friend.
Let's not deny that there's a connection between us. How about you and me have ourselves a little date, huh?
Choice 1: 逢瀬? You want to take me on a...date?
Choice 2: 今はそんな場合ではない Now is not the time.
ユーリス: この約束を糧に、次の戦いも頑張れる。そういうもんだと思うけどなあ、俺は。
Yuri: Sure it is. With my heart full from a nice date, I'll be poised to fight with extra vigor in the next battle.
Choice 3: 目が笑っていないが You're smiling with your mouth but not your eyes...
ユーリス: ああ……悪いな。がっつくつもりはなかったんだが、つい。
Yuri: Ha! It only happens when I'm being a little greedy.
ユーリス: ……明日の夜半過ぎ、大修道院の鐘が鳴る。それを合図に、聖廟の前で待ち合わせよう。
Yuri: When the bell strikes midnight, meet me out front of the Holy Mausoleum.
My only condition is that you arrive promptly after midnight―and not a moment before. What say you?
Choice 1: 聖廟は立ち入り禁止では Isn't it forbidden to enter the Holy Mausoleum?
ユーリス: まあ、来ればわかるさ。
Yuri: All will be revealed when you arrive.
Choice 2: なぜそんな夜中に……? Why at such a late hour?
ユーリス: なぜって、逢瀬は夜にするもんだろ。ははあ、俺が相手じゃ、そんなに不満か?
Yuri: It's the most romantic time of the evening of course! Or is the idea of a date with me not appealing to you? Heh heh...
ユーリス: これでも貴族どもが俺を巡って殺し合いをおっ始めたことさえあるんだぜ。
Yuri: Nobles have nearly killed one another fighting for my affections, you know.
Perhaps you won't get all you want out of me, heh, but I'll promise you a fun time regardless.
It's settled. I'll see you tomorrow night, friend. Don't stand me up.